Mega Shabbat Planning Committee
Six hundred students+
May 19th.
We’d love to see the ‘wow’ painted on your face when you stop by:)
You’ll feel the flutters and goosebumps that the Gaucho Jewish community energy generates. IYKYK and if you don’t you will!
The biggest sit down dinner in UCSB’s history. At least I didn’t find anything with a quick Google:) search.
Call me out if I’m wrong:)
If you live in town or will be around give yourself the gift of coming by. You deserve it!
Chabad Board Meeting
It was 3:27PM last week Thursday when we finally met.
After putting on Tefilin together this is the story he told me.
His daughter wanted to take a break from Jewish community.
“I’m in college and I want to try out something different.”
Two weeks later she chanced by Chabad for Friday night.
She called her dad.
“I changed my mind.”
“There’s no way I can take a break from this community!”
Credit to the Chabad student board for the welcoming and warm #community feel they nurture!
Annual New York Pegisha Trip.
A woman observed us as we milled about.
She approached me.
"Where are you from? Why are you here? I'm so impressed with your group’s positivity and cheerfulness!"
Brooklyn. Meets. UCSB.